| fifty-two // fifty-two |

Because we actually made it a full year with so many pictures along the way. I wanted to put together a little snippet of my favorite, but let’s be serious a parent can’t do that. Even with the blog I still find it hard to delete a photo of her. 

This is from our time at the Zoo yesterday. We wanted to go pay our respects to Colo, as many may know she recently passed away at the age of 60. I grew up with this gorilla, it may sounds strange, but she was always a big attraction. She was the first gorilla born in captivity and lived the be the oldest on record, such a bad ass lady! There was so much research because of her, and the Columbus Zoo really was built around the fame they received from Colo. We left a not on her memorial banner, said our favorite memories of visiting her and went to visit the new manitees.

This girl is totally are child as she is obsessed with the Zoo. We spent half and hour watching the new rescue manitees swim around, eat “salad” and pose for pictures. This visit she really focused on a few of her favorite animals, and was focused on studying what they were doing in their environments. She is definitely a voyeur. 

I have learned a lot from documenting our little lady for 52 weeks. It’s amazing how in the last 14 weeks she has developed so much into an articulate toddler. Babyhood is quickly in the rear view mirror and toddlerdom is here! I am thinking of starting a new series, but with the shop, her and work, we will see!

2017 goals…continue to enjoy every minute!

// oddest obsession //

Harper has a new obsession with pink clothing. I know you are probably thinking, ‘yes like most girls,’ but this has a twist. Harper has slept with a pink hooded sweatshirt the last three nights. One night I took it off her for washing and about 45 minutes of tears and a repetitive “my pink jacket!” ensued. 

Not sure if this is a norm I am missing but I want to be sure to remember this for embarrassing moments in her teenage years.

// funny behavior //

Harper has learned a joke, from me so it’s not mature by any means. Ready for it? Okay…

Quests what? Chicken butt!!

I guarantee if you meet my daughter and repeat this you will receive about 10 minutes of giggles!

| fifty-one // fifty-two |

Because today we marched. We are unable to make it to Washington for the big Women’s March but we’re thrilled to make it to the sister march in Columbus today! Harper fought a nasty fever all week and I really debated going, but the dread of not participating, not taking action hung over my head. Fortunately the fever broke, my mom decided to come and we made a family day of it!

There is so much to march for, and I am slightly embarrassed to say how many times I nearly broke down in tears. I marched for the strong women who helped raise me; my grandmother, my mother, my aunts, and wanted to set example for the future; my daughter and niece. I don’t want my daughter to grow up feeling like being a woman set limitations, I want her to be able to choose what happens with HER body, and most importantly I want her to feel valued by a society who sees her as equal.

There is so much to fear with the upcoming inauguration, but today I saw hope. I saw why sitting idly by is not an option. I saw husbands supporting wives and daughters, past politicians standing for what is right even if they aren’t looking for a photo opt, and I saw that even though Ohio has passed some oppressive legislation there are still so many who see a woman’s body and mind as her own!

This all slams into the fact that this blog was started just over 1 year ago. It’s still small, there is still more to accomplish, but like Judy Hopps “I don’t know when to quite!” (So much Zootopia this week!)

// favorite movie //

Sorry Frozen, another strong female lead took your place at the throne, Zootopia is queen! I think I maxed out at 6 showings in one day…work can not come soon enough!

// proudest moment //

Today Harper cheered, she clapped and she chanted. I hope she grows to be a strong independent woman like her grandmother, and grandma’s mommy. Who showed her, and me, you can be mothers, wives and work like a boss!

| mama musing // 5 ways to curve toddler tantrums |

We have all been there, you are having a perfectly lovely afternoon and then the stars shift and you are left with a scene from theExorcist. I love my daughter but the tantrums can make me check for a return to sender label. I have come up with a pretty tried and true set of 5 ways to deter those tantrums before they really take off!

Now I should say I am not a childcare expert, I have not written a book, but I am a mom who has read many books. My favorite series has been the Happiest Baby/Toddler on the Block books! I really can’t back these books enough, and no I just love them that much…that I buy one for every person who has a baby. 
// Rule One //

Take a deep breath.

It’s really scary to see your child freak out. It’s been described as your child reverting to a caveman brain. Logic does not exist and you can not let it get you down. My daughter always seems to feed off my energy and tone. I can always seem to get a quicker end the calmer I stay.

// Rule Two //

Talk it out.

The great thing about toddlers is they can talk! I mean I miss baby time but there is something to being able to communicate with your little one, especially during meltdown time! 

I always ask to have Harper to identify what emotion she is feeling. “Are you sad? Are you scared? Are you mad?” This can usually get me down the road to remedying the problem. By having her identify how she is feeling I can get back on the road to normal.

We start to talk about what she needs to feel better, and I talk about what is feasible. Sometimes that green crayon can’t be red. Sorry kid, life is tough.

// Rule Three //

Being a master of illusion is key.

What?! Where did these crayons come from? Did you know I have goldfish? Sometimes a simple distraction brings a 180 faster than you can imagine. 

Growing up my mom always carried an aresenal in her purse, but guess what, I was never bored! I always carry a snack, a book, a crayon and a small toy. I can’t always remember the diaper bag so this way I am always prepared.

// Rule Four //

Know your little one’s triggers.

At this point we are pretty much best friends with our toddlers. Through thick and thin we can finish each other’s sentences. We also know what can get our toddler up on arms. If you know your hungry toddler turns into an angry Hulk, maybe don’t skip snack time. 

I know that my girl gets antsy if she is in one place too long. Movement and change is key, sometimes a simple “want to sit on my lap now?” works wonders!

// Rule Five //

When in doubt hug it out, and take a selfie.

Sometimes your toddler has hit a spiral no mountain of toys, distractions, or snacks can get your toddler out of. When all else fails a big hug can tell your little one that you are there for them through whatever. Their tantrums can be scary and very real, knowing that someone is there can be reassuring. Then, once the tears have dried. Snap some pictures, have some laughs, and move one to your next adventure!

| doe and fawn // a year |

It’s crazy that it’s 2017, not just the number but that a whole year has gone by! It’s been a bit over a year since I started the blog and while it still has so much farther to go, I am so excited that we have made it a year! 

I hope that you have enjoyed your time with us and I hope to continue to grow Doe and Fawn! Here have been some of my favorite images from the past year…

| forty-eight // fifth-two |

Because now I have a teenager who has opinions on the clothes we buy her, hats she wears and even has an opinion about what songs we sing. It’s wild how over this last week I have seen a huge jump in our little ones independence, but what is weird is how she is clinging to routine. Sounds contradictory right?!

Usually at dinner time to get her out from under my feet I have Harper “help” with dinner, basically push the buttons to preheat the stove. If I even think about going near the stove now she insists on “helping cook dinner,” every time. On Friday night we decided Harper needed some more fleece jackets for daycare since they get demolished each day, this girl was sorting through racks, picking out dresses, saying “oh this is so cute!” I mean what?!

// favorite accessory //

It’s really a toss up these day between beanies and sparkly toes. This weekend we decided it was time to experiment with pedicures and gave the little one Frozen toes. Ever since watching the Angel Olsen video where she wears a tinsel wig this one is obsessed with sparkle. I mean it’s pretty typical girlie.

// biggest hurdle //

These new found opinions making leaving the house each day more and more challenging. My grandmother always believed giving children choices made them strong individuals, so she gets one, but it never goes as planned. I ask “would you like to wear the green hat or pink” her response is “the Star Wars hat” which isn’t something that exists so we have to circle back around to what does exist!

| forty-six // fifty-two |

Because today we took the coldest walk on our favorite trail. With the weather zig and zagging all over the place we can’t seem to gauge how to leave the house, so we ended up bundling up our little bean shortly after we snap a few photos…to the point she complained of how worth it was! It has been the longest week, I feel like six months has passed since last Sunday so we made a point to take it very easy.

This holiday season is proving itself to be a tough season for our family so we have been trying to make the most of each day we have with each other. Saturday we had a rare, but much needed date night at one of my favorite restaurants that closing in a few weeks. It was so great to get to date my husband again, and remember why it was so important to focus on each day!

// newest obsession //

Book bags! Mine, hers, yours?! Really she just needed one. We picked her up a little pink pack to use for school, her snacks, and really just to keep her from stealing mine. Haha!

// wierdest phrase //

“Nice to meet you,” followed by an awkward handshake and Harper introducing herself as “snake,” which has Dan and I little confused. So far this weekend she has been Snake, Natalie, Harper James, Mommy’s Baby and Her. I really can’t with her sometimes… 

| forty-five // fifty-two |

Because she has become a ham that has an extreme bought of shyness when in front of others. Her opinion has become stronger, but she knows when to back down. She loves to makes us laugh and will repeat an action if she knows it’s gold. 

Today we couldn’t decide how to spend our day, but when we saw that the museum was free today we knew what we were doing. This weekend after Thanksgiving was all about Holiday hoopla and after a day spent raising the tree, singing carols and seeing the Zoo Wildlights we needed a normal day. 

Daddy taught Harper new names like Stella and Rauschenberg, and we marveled in her behavior while at the museum. We stayed mostly in the newly built contemporary wing, drooling over each piece. In Philadelphia the art museum had been my happy place, and o was excited to share this space with Harper. We also took a few minutes to walk my old college campus, feeling like a lifetime ago!

| forty-four // fifty-two |

Because she is getting so big and I am cherishing every cuddle this one allows…even if they are passed out walks from car to bedroom. I missed a post last week because well that is life. Last week I was fighting another bug, what many new daycare moms assure me will be another drop in an ocean. 

This week Harper has been obsessed with “helping” which is really just a way to make each task last a few moments longer. Currently her favorite is folding laundry, feeding the dog, picking up her room, and putting items into the trash. I am glad she is wanting to do what she can around the house, but some tasks must wait till after bed time. 

We went to a friend’s last night, seeing many people I hadn’t seen in years and who had never interacted with Harper. I was amazed by what a well behaved little toddler I seemed to have acquired!

// favorite toy //

Baby Elsa, there are two, who have recently been outfitted in some very 80’s colorful gear. Moving back to the Midwest and staying with the parents means seeing many of my toys making a comeback. There is even a Polly Pocket floating around!

// Mom’s new focus //

We are working on “please” and “thank you” when Harper gives us her demands. “Mommy stand over here,” which I reply “say please?” I know this will be a lifelong struggle but for now trying to avoid a little tyrant who is demanding her mom stand on a rug while she eats cheerios.

| forty-two // fifty-two |

We had a perfect Fall Saturday with nothing on our agenda, a rarity in these parts. We decided it was a great time to get some new shots for the Etsy shop, father enough leaves for a good jumping pile and then clean out all the beautiful earth from our hair and explore the local Gallery Hop.

Last week brought with it a tidal waves of hormones (seriously do they ever balance out?!) and emotions baring down from the move. The toughest part of marriage is having to realize you may not always see eye-to-eye and that there is not a quick solution. This move was a big one for my husband and while I am thrilled he finally broke the ties of his old city he is definitely a stranger to change. This weekend brought some hope and honesty about how this change was for our family unit and wasn’t going to be an easy one. We are moving forward which is great and focusing on our happy daughter so she can have that childhood we always talked about.

Being outside much much more has been the best part of our move. Having a yard to run in, paths through parks that lead to beautiful patios for long weekend lunches. Overall it was a great weekend with our family.

// newest obsession //

Princesses are all the rage. Today Princess Leia was requested when putting in the morning pigtails for our mullet daughter. She barely has any hair so there was a challenge but I was happy that if we are going to wear a Princess Anna cape we have some Star Wars in there as a balance!

// oh you time change…//

I always remembered time changes being great in the Fall, remember being excited then at would be opened another hour? Now with a child I curse this outdated tradition that takes my child long perfected schedule and hits it with a sledge hammer! 

Harper got up at 6 am after going down around 11:30pm, which left me up till 2pm. Today felt like a blur, and now at 9:20 I feel like it’s midnight and I can barely stand it. Finger crossed this week goes smoothly!

| forty-one // fifty-two |

Because a little girl asked to be a fox and I threw together a Frida Kahlo costume for the Zoo. Daddy was fighting a migraine and wasn’t up for the family costume (fingers crossed for tomorrow) but he insisted on escorting us to Boo at the Zoo so Ms. Harper could get some trick-or-treat training.

I always love Halloween as a kid, I was always the kid with a different costume for each event, but life has gotten in the way the last few years so I was excited to experience it through a toddler’s eyes. Harper has been getting obsessed with everything Halloween. It’s been “Halloween spider,” “Halloween pumpkin,” and all that jazz. We have been practicing our “trick-or-treat” delivery, and sharing every Halloween tradition we have with our little one. 

She is fully healed from last weekend and about two days away from completing her antibiotics. This week I have noticed how advanced her language has become. I have also heard her work through building sentences. I have quickly seen my baby depart and my advanced toddler shining through, that was until she let me wrap her in a towel after her bath and rock her while she rested her head on my shoulder. I could barely lift her but held on as long as she allowed. 

// heart-melting moment //

Harper was walking away while we watched Star Wars (per her request) and I said “I love you Harper, but be careful!” She responded “I love you too Mommy!” And que pride, waterworks and smiles!

// most frustrating toddler-ism //

“What’s this?” I think it’s her “why?” but I am not sure I can take it asked 35 times about things she already knows what they are! I mean, ugh! I love this kid but I have started just asked “I don’t know, what?” after each go around.